The weight of some people starts increasing very fast and it becomes very difficult to reduce it. Due to weight gain, many problems related to health have to be faced like diabetes, cardiovascular disease etc. Often people realize that their weight is increasing very late. The increase in weight can bother you when it starts affecting your overall health.
Today we are going to tell you about some such signs that will make you realize that you need to lose weight.
Difficulty in doing daily chores- If you are feeling tired or lazy in doing daily household chores, then it is a sign that you should start reducing your weight. Due to increase in the amount of fat in the body, the problem of inflammation has to be faced due to which you feel tired all the time.
Increase in cravings- Excessive desire to eat sweets and increase in appetite can be a symptom of weight gain. When your weight increases, you start feeling stressed and depressed, due to which you feel very hungry. When you are stressed and depressed, a hormone called cortisol is released from the adrenal glands which increases your appetite.
Increase in sugar-cholesterol- If your blood sugar or blood cholesterol level is increased then it is a clear sign of weight gain. A study conducted by the researchers of the American Heart Association suggested that the problem of high blood pressure can be faced due to weight gain around the abdomen.
Increase in waist size- If your jeans are not fitting you like before or you need to hold your breath while wearing jeans, then it is a sign that your weight has increased. Generally, first in the body, fat starts accumulating in your stomach and hips. Some researchers say that people who sit all day long have to face the problem of fat accumulation in the waist.
Joint pain- If you are feeling pain in your joints while walking or doing any work, then it is important that you start reducing your weight. Due to increase in the amount of fat in the body, pressure starts on the joints. Due to which you have to face pain and irritation.
Snoring- If you have to face the problem of snoring and not sleeping well at night, then it indicates sleep apnea. This is a condition in which you have to face the problem of sleeplessness due to irregular breathing. People who have a lot of weight have to face this problem the most. This is because when your body stores fat around the neck, it can dilate the airways and cause obstruction in breathing.
Stretch Marks- Due to increase in fat in the body, the tissue under your skin gets stretched. Some people get stretch marks due to weight gain while some people have flexible skin which does not allow stretch marks to occur.