Human health and every aspect of his life is related to genetics. Scientists believe that genes are also responsible for all the habits of a human being. Where many habits are easily changed, then many are difficult to change. Not only this, habits also affect genes. Only then we can see the change from generation to generation. In the new study, scientists have discovered many genes that are responsible for many behaviors of drug addiction. While some have a role in more than one type of intoxication.
The Journal of Personalized Medicine has discovered several genes and their variants that initiate many types of addictive behavior. The special thing about this study is that where on one hand previous studies have discovered that addiction can be defined genetically. On the other hand, it has also come to know that the same type of genes also play a role in different addictions. Previous research had focused on genetic variants and specific addictions. The new study looked at a wide range of addictions, from substance addictions such as alcohol to non-substance addictions such as the Internet.
The researchers found that 32 types of gene polymorphisms or variants are associated with various types of drug addiction. They collected DNA samples from 3003 young adults from high school, college, and university in Hungary and compared their alcohol, tobacco, and drug use habits and other addiction-related behaviors, such as Internet use, online Also investigated addictions like gaming, social networking, gambling, food, etc.
Kassaba Barta, Associate Professor of Molecular Biology at Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary, and co-author of this study, said that it has already been proved that there is a lot of genetic influence in addiction to different drugs. For any trait, heritability is estimated to play a role of 50 to 70 percent, and the remaining influence is believed to be that of environment or environment.
But the specific genetic variants and their neurobiological roles in addiction are not well known. The researchers found 29 major associations in the study, nine of which were found to be significant in multiple tests. Certain genes and their variants make people easy prey for certain types of drug addiction. Like Internet and online gaming addiction and alcohol addiction, FOXN3 genes are related to the variant named RS759364A allele.
Jsolt Demetriovics, professor of psychology at Iotavos Lorand University and co-author of this study, says that this investigation can contribute to scientific knowledge on addiction, which can benefit millions of people around the world. The special thing about this PGA i.e. Psychological and Genetic Factors of Addiction (PGA) study is that it can tell in detail about the relationship between substance and non-substance related addiction behaviors.
The results of this study will be helpful in understanding how the behavior of weakness towards different addictions becomes one. For example, alcohol addiction can increase people’s obsessive urge to gamble, video games or work. Researchers say that this information can be very useful for treatment methods.